Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Sangita Dutta ENGL 301 Student

Date: February 24, 2023

Subject: Extending Ergonomic Setup in Student Study Areas



The University of British Columbia is one of the top research institutions in the world , and it welcomes thousands of students to its beautiful campus every year. As students spend a significant amount of time studying and working on assignments, it is essential to provide ergonomic study setups to ensure their well-being, prevent any long-term injuries and increase productivity. With the increasing use of technology and the switch towards online and remote learning, ergonomic study setups have become more crucial than ever before. This proposal aims to add more ergonomic study setups at UBC to improve students’ health and increase productivity.


Audience Description

UBC staff and administrators who are responsible for managing the university’s resources.


Statement of Problem

UBC has an abundance of designated study spaces, including Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Walter C. Koerner Library, and Woodward Library. However, most of these facilities are fairly outdated with non-adjustable chairs that are often wooden. These chairs are hard, uncomfortable and usually at an awkward height from the table. This may cause disruptions in student’s work flow and decrease their productivity. It also discourages them from wanting to study on campus. This proposal outlines the need for ergonomic study setups and provides a possible solution for implementing them at UBC.


Proposed Solution

A simple and effective solution is to renovate some of the study spaces to include ergonomic setups, such as ergonomic chairs. Ergonomic study setups promote good posture and provide comfortable seating. A research study by Terek et al. (2014) also demonstrated that office workers had an increase in productivity with more ergonomic setups because it led to few breaks, which saves time and improve focus. Below are recommendations on how to successfully implement the proposed solution:

  • Ergonomic Assessment: The first step of implementation should be conducting an ergonomic assessment to evaluate the existing setup and areas for improvement. This assessment should be conducted by occupational health professionals.
  • Provide Setup: Based on the assessment and recommendations from the occupational health professional, the proper ergonomic set up should be provided. UBC should consider providing ergonomic chairs with adjustable features to accommodate students of different sizes and allow for proper alignment of the spine.
  • Educate and Awareness: Staff should provide educational resources and raise awareness of the benefits of proper ergonomics to help students understand the purpose of adding more ergonomic setup, and how it helps promote heathy study habits.



To assess the feasibility of adding more ergonomic setups in student study areas at UBC, I plan to assess the following areas of inquiry:

  • What can be improved about the existing setup in the study areas at UBC?
  • How do students feel about adding more ergonomic setups?
  • Do students know the importance and benefits of ergonomic setups?
  • What type of ergonomic setups would students most like to see on campus?
  • Which type of ergonomic setups would best fit students?
  • Are there any drawbacks to adding more ergonomic setups?
  • What are the estimated cost of implementation/ rennovation?



My primary data source will come from surveying UBC students on their knowledge and opinion on ergonomic study setups.  Secondary data source will come from published journal articles on the importance and and benefits of having an ergonomic setup.


My Qualifications

I am a computer science at UBC that has a hard time finding comfortable and ergonomic setups to study on campus. My previous background in healthcare and physiotherapy has allowed me to understand the importance of having good ergonomics. I also saw many patients who came in for pain and injuries as a result of bad posture and ergonomics while studying and/or working during my time working at a physiotherapy clinic. As such, I feel strongly about promoting health and wellness through ergonomic setups.



Providing more ergonomic study setups at UBC can improve the health and well-being of students while promoting a positive learning environment. By implementing the above proposal, UBC can take a proactive approach to student health and safety.



Terek, E., Zvonko Sajfert, Zoric, K., & Isakov, S. (2014). Positive outcomes of office ergonomics in terms of higher productivity. ResearchGate; Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science.

One comment on “Formal Report Proposal
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Sangita,

    Thank you for posting your proposal, this looks like a good idea. You might want to consider expanding the scope of your investigation to include some practical considerations for your readers as well: cost of renovations, best models. You are approved to proceed, I look forward to learning more.

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