2:1 Email Memorandum for Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Patterson

From: Daniel Kim

Date: February 24th, 2023

Subject: Formal Proposal for lowering cost or subsidization of parking for UBC students and staff members

Per request in Unit 2.1, I have completed the formal proposal for ENGL 301.

Here is the assignment outline:

  • Introduction of Topic: a brief introduction of the situation regarding UBC parking
  • Statement of Problem: The issue regarding UBC’s parking 
  • Proposed Solutions: potential solutions to help rectify the identified issue
  • Scope of Question: the six inquiries of my research proposal
  • Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources: proposed method of research will include a survey and interview
  • My Qualifications: explaining how my experiences will help with this proposal 
  • Conclusion: concluding remarks on why this proposal is important

Thank you for taking the time to read over my proposal. I have attached it below.

Daniel Kim Formal Report Proposal


Daniel Kim

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