2:1 Formal Report Proposal – Yiyu Li

To: China Ministry of Health

From: Yiyu Li

Date: February 24, 2023

Subject: Proposal for Granting Chinese Nurses the Right to Medical Prescription



According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the doctor-to-patient ratio in China was approximately 1.8 doctors per 1,000 population in 2019. The ratio remains relatively low compared to some other countries, such as the United States, which has a ratio of around 2.6 doctors per 1,000 population.In China, nurses are not authorized to prescribe medication, which creates a barrier to providing efficient and effective care to patients. This proposal aims to explore the benefits of granting some Chinese nurses the right to prescribe, with a focus on improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Statement of Problem:

The current regulations in China limit the role of nurses in patient care, preventing them from prescribing medication. This creates a bottleneck in healthcare delivery, as nurses often have to wait for a doctor to prescribe medication, which can delay treatment and increase healthcare costs. Furthermore, the shortage of doctors in China means that many patients may not receive timely medical attention. By allowing some nurses to prescribe, patients can receive more timely care and healthcare costs can be reduced.

Proposed Solution:

The proposed solution is to grant some Chinese nurses the right to prescribe medication, subject to certain criteria such as training and experience. This solution is supported by evidence from other countries, where nurse prescribing has been successfully implemented, resulting in improved patient outcomes, increased efficiency, and reduced healthcare costs.


To research could be investigated in the following areas of inquiry:

  • Based on the literature review, what are the current regulations for nurses in China?
  • What are the views on prescribing for Chinese nurses?
  • What are the training requirements for nurses to become prescribers?
  • What are the legal and ethical considerations of nurse prescribing and the potential impact on patient outcomes and healthcare costs?
  • Which countries are successful in granting nurses prescription right and what is the system and administration in those countries.



A survey will be conducted among a sample of Chinese nurses to assess their views on prescribing and their perceived training needs. Additionally, interviews will be conducted with healthcare professionals, policymakers, and patient groups to understand their perspectives on nurse prescribing.

My Qualifications:

I was a healthcare professional with experience in nursing, and I have a strong interest in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. I have conducted research on healthcare policy and have published articles on healthcare-related topics. I believe that my skills and experience make me well-suited to conduct this research proposal.


The proposed research will provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and challenges of granting some Chinese nurses the right to prescribe medication. This research will inform policymakers and healthcare professionals on the potential impact of nurse prescribing on patient outcomes and healthcare costs, and provide evidence-based recommendations for the implementation of nurse prescribing in China. Ultimately, this proposal aims to contribute to improving healthcare delivery in China and enhancing the role of nurses in patient care.

One comment on “2:1 Formal Report Proposal – Yiyu Li
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Yiyi,

    Thank you for posting this proposal for a Formal Report, this looks like a valuable investigation, certainly worthwhile. You are approved to proceed and I look forward to learning more,.


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