Assignment 2.1: Memo for Formal Writing Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor


From: Liam Plosker, ENGL 301 Student


Date: February 24, 2023


Subject: Confirmation of Proposal Posting


As laid out in lesson 2.1, my formal writing proposal has been posted in the Team Forum by February 24 prior to midnight.


In my proposal, I have included the following:

  • An introduction into the uptick of coyote activity facing UBC’s Point Grey Campus and other areas surrounding Pacific Spirit Regional Park
  • A proposed solution, in the form of a coyote-tracking app that could be used by students, residents and other frequent visitors to UBC’s Point Grey Campus, providing its users with appropriate information about up-to-date coyote sightings in the area
  • The proposed study’s scope, outlining distinct areas of inquiry
  • An overview of my qualifications and reasons why the study is of importance to me as an individual
  • Conclusion, summarising the problem and solution


I appreciate you taking the time to look over my formal proposal, and await any feedback in the future regarding it! Thank you.

ENG 301 Assignment 2.1 – Formal Writing ProposalENG 301 Assignment 2.1 – Formal Writing Proposal

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