Email Memo for Formal Report Proposal | Carman Chu

To: Dr. Erika Paterson <>

From: Carman Chu <>

Date: Feb 24, 2023

Subject: Email Memo – Adding More Time in Between Classes to Allow Students to Get to Class Without Being Late

As requested in assignment 2.1, I posted my formal report proposal on my team forum. Please look at the attached document of my formal report proposal below.

The attached formal proposal includes the following:

  • Introduction: A bit of insight into UBC and the student and campus life
  • Statement of Problem: Problems around not having enough time between classes for students to get to class
  • Proposed Solutions: Some solutions to the current situation adding more time between classes
  • Scope: The focus area of where my research will revolve around
  • Methods: Questionnaires, ssurveys, interviews, and field research
  • My Qualifications: I am currently a student at UBC and have been going to post-secondary for about 5 years, so I experienced it firsthand
  • Conclusion: A summary of what to expect and permission from professor


Please reach out if you have any questions or require additional information.

Enclosed: ENG 301 Carman Chu Formal Report Proposal

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