2.1 Formal Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor

From: Brian Wong, English 301 Student

Date: February 25, 2023

Subject: Reduce Overcrowding at Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and the Nest


As the University of British Columbia Vancouver grows and increases the number of enrolled students, study spaces on campus are becoming more crowded. There are many popular study spots among students such as the Nest and Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKB). However, these study spots become full very quickly and it becomes difficult to find an adequate space to study. With such a vast campus, there are many study spots available to students however, without knowledge of these spaces, many new students resort to studying at the Nest or IKB, contributing to the crowding issue.


Intended Audience

This proposal is directed to the UBC Undergraduate Office and the AMS Social Media Team.


Statement of Problem

There is insufficient space at IKB and the Nest to accommodate large quantities of students looking to study. Due to the popularity of the Nest and IKB, students tend to go to these study spaces and often results in overcrowding and lack of available study spots. 


Proposed Solution

One proposed solution is to research and advertise other options at UBC through easily shareable media, such as a YouTube video or other social media platforms. UBC has many buildings that can serve as study places with quality on par, if not exceeding, the quality at IKB or the Nest. If students were to be made aware of more options, there would be less students heading to IKB or the Nest, thereby decreasing crowding and allowing for better overall usage of the other buildings at UBC. 



To evaluate the feasibility of researching and advertising other study spot options, the following areas of inquiries will be investigated:

  1. How many students study at IKB or the Nest? 
  2. How often have UBC students been unable to find a study spot at IKB or the Nest?
  3. Are students interested in going to new study spots? If not, what would their reasons?
  4. What other study spots are present at UBC and would suit as an acceptable alternative to IKB and the Nest?
  5. What are the most effective methods to share this information with UBC students?



The primary source of data will be collected through survey responses from UBC Vancouver students regarding their experience with study spots on campus. Additionally, the survey will provide insight towards the knowledge of available study spots among students and their experience with IKB and the Nest as study spaces.

Secondary sources will include popular social media platforms such as the UBC reddit page to research students’ opinions on study spaces. Additionally, the UBC site and blogs on UBC will be used to determine alternative study spots. 


My Qualifications

As a student of UBC for over 6 years, I have been in numerous study spaces with friends of various programs. As a result, I have been exposed to many niche and less popular spaces that could act as a replacement to IKB or the Nest. Furthermore, as I have spent much time studying on campus as a commuter student, I believe my time and experience on the Vancouver campus will serve as an asset on this project.



With over 43,000 students on the UBC Vancouver campus (Kruger, n.d.), it is evident that students need access to more study spots in order to study and perform well on examinations. By exploring the areas of inquiries noted above, I will be able to determine the feasibility of increasing awareness of study locations among UBC students. With your approval, I will begin the project at once. 



Kruger, M. (n.d.). The Ubyssey’s 2021/22 breakdown of UBC’s enrolment stats, admission rates and more. The Ubyssey. Retrieved February 24, 2023, from https://ubyssey.ca/news/ubc-enrolment-stats-202122/


One comment on “2.1 Formal Proposal
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Brian,

    Thank you for posting your proposal – this looks like a ‘doable’ investigation for a Formal Report, excellent. You are approved to proceed and I look forward to learning more


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