Peer Review: Proposal on Establishing Alternative Closing Procedures for UBC Libraries

To: Delsther James Edralin, English 301 Student Writer

From: Justin Tang, English 301 Student Reviewer

Date: February 28, 2023

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: Proposal on Establishing Alternative Closing Procedures for UBC Libraries

First Impressions:

Thank you for your proposal on establishing alternative closing procedures for UBC libraries. Overall, the choice of language is effective and the structure of the document accomplishes its goal. The current methods that UBC libraries use to alert students about their closure for the day is very confusing and distracting. Implementing methods that are less disruptive and more consistent would be very beneficial to students.


• The structure of the proposal is laid out in an effective manner where each point after flows naturally and builds off the previous point
• Writing is clear and concise


• Introduction does a good job explaining the current methods that UBC libraries use to alert students of closure


  • More background research can be included to show the audience that current methods are disruptive to the final minutes of studying
  • Proposed solution is something that can be implemented easily and without much extra cost
  • The scope explores areas to evaluate demand and feasibility of the study
  • Method is well thought out – includes both primary and secondary data sources to gather relevant information on the proposed problem.

Concluding Comments:

• The proposal is well thought out and effectively communicates the purpose
• Instead of the final minutes of library where most students are done studying, what about ways that the library can reduce stress and distractions during the day
• It was a pleasuring reading your proposal. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Link to Delsther’s Report:

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