Assignment 2:1 Peer Review of Elly’s Research Proposal

To: Elly Kim

From: Long You

Peer Review: Addressing Food Insecurity and Promoting Sustainable, Affordable Food Practice at UBC

Date: Feb 26, 2023

Thank you for sharing the research proposal for lesson 2:1. Food insecurity is a difficult topic for many UBC students and it is great to see the proposed solution for solving the problem. Below is the document reviews with some suggestions to improve the research proposal.

First Impressions:

The research proposal has a well-defined research question of food insecurity at UBC, it provides a feasible methodology to investigate the problem, and also offers some realistic objectives. The document is well-organized with a smooth flow to thread the research question. However, the research project needs to be narrowed down so it can be conducted by one researcher. There is a complete works cited list correctly formatted, but the citation should be listed in alphabetic order, please see below. 


  • A good introduction to the assignment with a clear and detailed description of the intended readers for the formal report.
  • The document is well-organized with bolded headings to further improve the organization and make it easier to follow through.
  • The document lacks a timeline section for the proposed research activities.


  • The use of food insecurity throughout the main document is excellent and really assists with understanding the research question.
  • The expression and the tone are professional: clear, concise, and relevant.
  • The proposal states why the primary research is important, but it does not explain what contribution it will make to the existing literature.
  • The methodology is appropriate for the research question and feasible to conduct. The methods are clear and detailed enough to be replicated. However, the task volume (Proposed solution) might be overwhelming for one researcher, and a more specific research area might be more reasonable.
  • A student who experienced food insecurity might be motivated to conduct the research, It will be more persuasive to add qualifications matched to the proposed research, such as TCPS-2 certification, and research ethics training.


The document is fully completed according to the assignment requirements; it includes the following.

  • A detailed introduction
  • Intended readers of the formal report
  • Statement of the problem
  • Proposed solution
  • Research methods
  • Qualifications
  • Conclusion
  • Works cited list

A research activities timeline is essential for intended readers to determine if the research is feasible and reasonable. A literature review with some key findings about food insecurity will be beneficial to the proposal.

 Works Cited List:

  • Thorough works cited list from the relevant UBC organizations. The citations should be listed alphabetically in APA style.

Grammar and Typos:

  • The document is well written. There are a few minor rephrasing suggestions, for example, in the conclusion, please consider rephrasing “I believe that the implementation of these strategies” to “The implementation of these strategies would.”

 Concluding Comments:

Your research proposal is well-organized and easy to read, great work!

Below are a few key points to consider before submitting your proposal:

  • Focus on a narrow and more specific research area for yourself to conduct the research.
  • Review existing literature about the research topic.
  • Estimate the timeline of the research activities for management to determine if the research is feasible.

Thank you and please feel free to ask any questions, it has been a pleasure reviewing this proposal.


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