Peer Review – Formal Report Proposal

To: Helen Zhou

From: Emilyn Sim

First Impressions:

The chosen research topic is extremely relevant, and important for UBC students. There is a clear need for food insecurity to be addressed at UBC, and the proposed solution would do so. The overall choice of language is effective and flows well, and the structure of the document accomplishes its goal. 

Organization and Expression:

Overall, the sections in the research proposal are organized effectively. 

  • The Scope and Methods sections are particularly effective as they support each other well in their respective order. 
  • The writing is clear and concise throughout the proposal. 
  • The language chosen demonstrates adequate complexity and expertise while remaining accessible to the target audience.


The research proposal addresses all the necessary topics needed to validate the purpose of the proposal. 

  • Need for the proposed solution is provided in the problem statement and introduction
  • An area for growth could be adding more specificity to the problem statement. For example:
    • Are there any specific causes for the decrease in funding?
  • Another area where more detail could be provided is the proposed solution. For example:
    • Will other resources be the recipients of funding as well? Or is the goal primarily the AMS food bank?

Concluding Comments:

The proposed research topic is centered on tackling food insecurity at UBC, presenting a viable solution to this pressing issue. The utilization of language is impactful, displaying a smooth and efficient flow, and the structural framework of the document accomplishes its goal. The Scope and Methods sections are especially noteworthy, exhibiting an excellent level of proficiency. While all the pertinent topics are addressed. To increase the effectiveness of the proposal, my suggestions would be:

  • More detailed information in the problem statement 
  • More specifics provided in the proposed solution

Thank you Helen for directing my attention to this issue here at UBC. I thoroughly enjoyed reading and reviewing your work. Well done!

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