Peer Review: Formal Report Proposal for Increasing Work Opportunities for UBC Students

To:  Tanya Mozafari

From: Sangita Dutta

Peer Review:  Formal Report Proposal for Increasing Work Opportunities for UBC Students

Definition under review:

Initial Impressions:

The proposal is well-structured and did well in clearly stating the intent of the proposal and the problem to be addressed. The document began with an introduction to provide the intent of the proposal and a description of the target audience. There is sufficient detail in the statement of problem to provide background information on the issue to be addressed and investigated by the proposal. Proposed solution section offered strategies to mitigate the issue, perhaps could include more specific details on how the strategies can be successfully implemented. Scope provided ways to evaluate the demand and feasibility of implementing the proposed solution which is useful in understanding overall structure of the formal report to be written. Method provided information on different type of data sources that will be used to gain insight on the problem proposed. Qualification section is useful is letting readings understand the personal motivation behind the proposal. No major revision needed, some sections could include more details. No major grammatical errors or typos found. Overall, document is informative and gives enough context to understand the proposed issue and solution on first read.



The document is very well organized and easy to follow.

  • Good flow between different information presented.
  • Proposal is divided into different sections with clear bolded subheadings.
  • Includes a conclusion to re-state the information presented in the proposal.



Intent of proposal was expressed effectively and concisely.

  • Overall tone of the proposal is technical and professional.
  • Effective use of transition words to connect thoughts and ideas.



  • Clearly identified an area of inefficiency at UBC that impacts UBC students.
  • Adequate background information provided for problem proposed.
  • Proposed solution could include potential strategies on how it can be successfully implemented
  • More background information is needed for target audience – which group of UBC students and alumni? For example, does this problem affect all students and/or at UBC? Moreover, the formal report is addressed to specific readers who will have the authority to act upon the recommendations you have proposed. In this case, students may not have the authority to address the problem you have proposed. So, you may need to think about who is involved in the Co-op program and is able to implement more Co-op position at UBC.
  • Scope of proposal is detailed and explores various areas to successfully evaluate the demand and feasibility of implementing the proposed solution.
  • Method is well thought out – includes both primary and secondary data sources to gather relevant information on the proposed problem.

Concluding Comments:

  • The document is well-written and effectively communicates the intent of the proposal. Please consider taking in the following suggestions:
    • More detail in proposed solution – For example, what are ways/ what is needed for the solution to be successfully implemented?
    • Consider the target audience carefully –  Who will have the authority to act upon the recommendations that you have proposed?
  • Overall, it was a pleasure reading this formal report proposal and it has allowed me to gain insight of an inefficiency at UBC that I have not considered before. Please let me know if you have any questions on any of the feedback provided.




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