Peer Review of Cheka’s Formal Report Proposal – Assignment 2:1

Date: February 28 2023

To: Cheka Duheme

From: Alethea Kramer

I enjoyed reading your formal report proposal, it was interesting and well written. Please take your time to review the feedback I have provided below. 

Link To Formal Report Proposal

Cheka’s Formal Report Proposal for How to Better Support Note-Takers to Improve Learning Experience for Students at UBC

First Impression 

  • The proposal is well structured with clear organization
  • The writing style and flow of information is well thought out and introduces information appropriately
  • The problem feels urgent and addressable, although I recommend addressing a specific body within the university who has the power to influence the Centre of Accessibility 

Organization & Expression

  • The writing is professional and has a pleasant tone
  • Sentences are well formed, however I recommend reducing unnecessary words and sentences
    • In the introduction sentences two and three both contain the phrase “best possible learning resources” which is repetitive
  • The sections are well named and structured
  • Titling each solution and method of research by using a bold style and colons is effective

Proposed Problem 

  • There is a grammatical error in the first sentence please revise
  • The problem seems urgent and relevant
  • The author breaks down the the problem into subproblems which is clarifying

Proposed Solution

  • The formatting is effective and aids a reader in summarizing and recalling each solution
  • The explanation of each solution seems to reiterate the problems it aims to address
  • Rewrite the explanation to expand on the potential of each solution

Scope of Research

  • The list is comprehensive and well thought out
  • Reduce the number of points by combining questions such as one and two by asking for the strengths and weaknesses
  • These questions seem relevant to producing legitimate research that is comprehensive of the proposed problem 

Methods of Research

  • The formatting of the list is effective
  • The primary research methods are appropriate, well thought out, and achievable
  • The explanations of each method justify the benefit very well


  • The author is well qualified for this area of study

Grammar and Technical Errors

  • Although we have a note-taking program in place at the university, there is a lack of resources for note-takers to assist students with disabilities in writing notes in their courses.
  • Students with or without disabilities should have access to the best possible resources to facilitate their learning. 
  • This research would allow me to examine and analyze the current opinions of note-takers and students on the note-taking program while highlighting note-taker’s valuable (and rewarding) work.

Concluding Comments

The report proposal is well written and interesting to read. Here are a few suggestions for improvement:

  • Consider directing your research to a specific body within the university
  • Reduce the number of research questions by avoiding repetition 
  • Address the grammatical errors and improve sentence structure and flow
  • Rewrite the proposed solutions section to expand on each solution rather than reiterating the problems

Thank you for the attention you have given your formal report! I look forward to seeing you progress on this topic. Please let me know if any clarification is needed.

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