Assignment 2.1: Peer Review of Sonja’s Formal Proposal

To: Sonja Tang

From: Chris Wu

Peer Review: Proposal for increasing academic support for student athletes at the University of British Columbia

First Impressions:

  • Your proposal for increasing academic support for student athletes at UBC is well-organized and thoroughly researched.
  • You have effectively identified the issues facing student athletes and provided a clear plan of action to address them.

Statement of Problem:

  • You have done an excellent job of outlining the lack of academic support for student athletes at UBC.
  • You have also identified the challenges that student athletes face in balancing their academics with their athletic commitments

Proposed Solution:

  • Your proposed solutions of offering free tutoring sessions for athletes and hiring more academic advisors are practical and effective.
  • I appreciate your suggestion to create a more cohesive academic support system for student athletes.


  • You have done a good job of limiting the scope of your proposal to varsity golf team members.
  • This will allow for a more focused and manageable implementation of your proposed solutions.

Methods and Timeline:

  • Your methods for evaluating the student athlete experience and the cost of offering tutoring for varsity athletes are sound.
  • Your use of a survey to gather data is effective.


  • Your personal experience as a member of the varsity golf team at UBC provides valuable insight into the challenges faced by student athletes.
  • I suggest including more information about your own experience and how it has influenced your proposal.

Grammar and Technical Errors:

  • I did not find any significant grammar or technical errors in your proposal.
  • Your writing is clear and easy to understand.

Conclusion Comment:

  • Overall, your proposal for increasing academic support for student athletes at UBC is well thought out and feasible.
  • Your proposed solutions are practical and effective, and I believe that they have great potential to make a positive impact on the academic performance and overall wellbeing of student athletes.

Thank you for submitting this proposal, it was great to read. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need further feedback.


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