Assignment 2.2 – (REVISED) Ten Best Practices for LinkedIn Memo

To: Liam Plosker, Karolina Atehortua and Nina Nakanishi, Writing Team Members

From: Jennifer Dunbar, Writing Team Member

Date: March 5, 2023

Subject: Ten Best Practices For Professional Networking on LinkedIn

As requested for assignment 2.2, the following list outlines ten best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn.

  1. First impressions count: Choosing the right profile picture is important. Ensure it is recent, represents a true likeness, is relatively close up and appropriate attire is worn. A background photo is also beneficial, relaying additional information and making a profile that is more memorable. 
  2. Utilize the summary section: Visitors will read this section first.  With an approximate 370 word limit, it provides a great opportunity to promote particular skills and why they matter. 
  3. The headline is more than a job title:  Include current job, position and a reason or two on why it reflects career goals.
  4. Be an active contributor: By joining group discussions that are relevant to personal interests and professions, engaging in conversations can triple page views. 
  5. References and endorsements: These can significantly increase credibility. 
  6. Avoid buzzwords: Using words such as ‘leadership’ and ‘creative’ can become meaningless unless demonstrated. Show creativity in the building and design of a profile instead.
  7. Play an active role in networking: Share content relevant to personal interests and point of view.
  8. Keep information up to date: Ensure all profile sections are current, including listed skills and career goals.
  9. Volunteer work: This shows initiative and experience, and also helps with possible job placement.
  10. Stay professional: Present well written and professionally formatted materials.

The main goal of these suggestions is to help in the development of a compelling LinkedIn profile. Furthermore, the link below can be used to access the specific sources used for further support.

2.2 – References

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