2:2 LinkedIn Best Practices Memo (Revised) – Daniel Kim

To: Segfault Team Members

From: Daniel Kim

Date: March 5th, 2023

Subject: Linkedin Best Practices Memo

Linkedin has become one of the most significant technological innovations for career success (Suder, 2022). Countless employers and employees are “linking” on a boundless scale as the internet allow individuals to connect worldwide (Decker, 2022). With this phenomenon, I share ten best practices to help professionals utilize Linkedin to grow their networks and attain their career goals.

  1. Profile Picture: Having the most up-to-date profile picture that is professional, with appropriate attire, ensures an excellent first impression and puts a face to a name. 
  2. Actively Contribute: By contributing to group discussions, reposting, and commenting, it will triple the traffic of views on your Linkedin page.
  3. Summary: Since this summary is the first block of text a visitor will view, a brief introduction highlighting yourself will provide a great opportunity to tell your story and give the viewer a reason to continue looking through your Linkedin page. 
  4. Use the Job Function: The number of employers posting on Linkedin has increased. Using the job function on Linkedin have options to match skills, interest, and qualifications, so using it regularly will maximize the chances of finding the perfect company fit. 
  5. Personalize Connection: When sending a request to connect with another person, find a personal connection, such as highlighting the same school or program. Personal connections will help build rapport and increases the chance of a response. 
  6. Build a Community: By joining your company’s page or a potential company’s page, you build a community of Linkedin Members who share similar interests in the business. Here, you can connect and collaborate on each other’s interests and skills. 
  7. Linkedin Learning Courses: Use Linkedin’s Learning Courses to hone your skills, demonstrating expertise in skills employers seek. 
  8. Be Clear and Concise: Make sure people fully understand what is posted on your LinkedIn page, such as experience, summary, skills, interest, and education. Much like a resume, you want readers to know who you are.
  9. Keep Your Location Updated: Staying updated on new skills, experiences, education, and interests better positions you for employers to know what you are currently doing.
  10. Endorsements and References: This feature enhances your credibility as a candidate and increases your chances for open positions.

With these suggestions, the goal is to help you advance your career and reach your goals. These ten best practices help you build a strong profile and provide you the endless possibilities.



Andrianos, E. (n.d.). 20 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2023. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/business/sales/blog/profile-best-practices/17-steps-to-a-betterlinkedin-profile-in-2017

Decker, A. (2022, June 2). LinkedIn company pages: The ultimate guide [+ 10 best practices]. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/linkedin-company-pages

Suder, R. (2022, March 10). How to use linkedin effectively during your job search. TopResume. Retrieved March 6, 2023, from https://ca.topresume.com/career-advice/14-ways-to-leverage-your-linkedin-profile-during-your-job-search

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