Assignment 2.2 – The 10 Best Practices for a LinkedIn Memo

To: Karolina Atehortua, Nina Nakanishi and Jennifer Dunbar

From: Liam Plosker

Subject: The 10 Best Practices for a LinkedIn Memo

1. Be wary of your tone – keeping a professional tone in your bio immediately shows you are a serious candidate for any opportunities which come up. Not following proper decorum in the professional tone of one’s bio this is the quickest way to have your profile dismissed, in spite of any qualifications you possess.

2. Make use of the full word count provided in the bio section

Do not underwrite. Use the full word count provided to make the case for why you are a viable candidate for prospective job opportunities.


3. Include a comprehensive list of your qualifications

Add any prior experience you have, no matter from how long ago, and even if you feel it is not directly applicable to the job you are applying for.


4. Include a professional-looking profile picture


Make sure to show potential employers who you are! A face makes a difference, and makes you a real person that people can attach your bio to. Smile, appear approachable in the photo, and wear a formal suit. Don’t have wild hair or something you wouldn’t show up to a real life job interview with, for instance.


5. Add and sync your profile with a work email you regularly check


Make sure people have a way of getting ahold of you – include up to date info, including the work email you wish to be contacted at.


6. Keep your location up to date.

Be cognizant that your movements are always up to date so you are being shown to employers in your area.

7. If relevant, include any other contact information


You may also wish to include alternative means for prospective employers to get ahold of you, such as an up to date phone number, along with any social media handles you use professionally.


8. Network through friends 


Meet people through LinkedIn in your area and network with them. This can include receiving recommendations from these people. You can share valuable, relevant insight about job opportunities which come up that are relevant to them, and vice versa with them sharing opportunities relevant to you.


9. Don’t limit yourself


In terms of seeking out potential employers, don’t limit yourself to what sort of job you originally wanted to apply for. Often,  job opportunities in unexpected areas can be very rewarding if we are willing to take the risk and apply for them, too.


10. Regularly check your notifications – don’t fall asleep at the wheel


Be sure to keep up to date with all communications through LinkedIn and the contact details you left. Many opportunities will be gone quickly if you do not correspond in a timely manner with the relevant parties. In short, don’t fall asleep at the wheel!




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