Assignment 2:2 Best Practices for Professional Networking on LinkedIn (Revised)


To: Long’s Writing Team (ENGL 301 Group)

From: Chohyeon Kim ( ENGL 301 Student)

Date: March 06, 2023

Subject: Best Practices for Professional Networking on LinkedIn


As we prepare to build our professional online profiles, let us keep in mind the following best practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking site:


  • Including a professional profile picture, using a custom LinkedIn URL, and writing a comprehensive summary of experiences, skills, and desired careers can help make a great first impression and stand out.
  • Connecting with familiar colleagues and professionals and joining LinkedIn groups targeted towards a desired industry or profession can help grow and expand your LinkedIn network.
  • Having others affirm essential skills or projects through LinkedIn endorsements and personal recommendations can provide valuable credibility and ensure a stronger profile.
  • Active content updates that are relevant and engaging, as well as following relevant industries, interests, and influencers, can keep your LinkedIn network informed and interested.
  • These practices can assist us in building a strong professional network and showcasing our skills and experience to potential employers. We should also remember to update our profiles regularly with new skills, experiences, and accomplishments.


Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this memo


LinkedIn Editors. (2020, June 12). Four Tips to Network on LinkedIn. Official LinkedIn Blog.

Mind Tools Content Team. (2022). How to Use LinkedIn Effectively. Mind Tools.

Novoresume. (2022, January 4). How to Network on LinkedIn – 7 Proven Tips for 2023. Novoresume.

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