2:2 LinkedIn Best Practices Memo – Terry Chou

To: Fellow Segfault Team Members

From: Terry Chou, Team Member

Date: March 6, 2023

Subject: LinkedIn Best practices

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professional networking, job searching, and career advancement. However, simply creating a profile on LinkedIn is only the first step. To fully leverage the potential of LinkedIn, it is crucial to follow best practices for professional networking. In this memo, I will be sharing 10 best practices for building a strong professional network on LinkedIn.

  1. Create a professional profile picture and banner: Your profile picture and banner are the first things people see when they visit your profile. Use a professional headshot that represents your brand well and a banner that reflects your industry of interest.
  2. Add a meaningful headline: Your headline appears next to your name on your profile and in search results, so use this space to showcase your expertise and what you bring to the table. Avoid generic titles like “Account Manager” and be specific about your skills and accomplishments.
  3. Include relevant keywords in the About section: LinkedIn’s search algorithm uses keywords to help users find relevant profiles. Incorporate industry-specific keywords and phrases in your About section to improve your chances of being found by recruiters and other professionals.
  4. Add 5 relevant skills to the profile: Adding at least five relevant skills to your profile can improve your searchability and make you more visible to recruiters and potential employers. Be sure to choose skills that accurately reflect your professional experience and expertise.
  5. Customize LinkedIn URL: Customize your LinkedIn URL to make it more memorable and professional-looking. Your custom URL should include your name or a variation of it and can be used on your resume, or other professional materials.
  6. Connect with active professionals in the field: Identify professionals in your field who are active on LinkedIn and connect with them. They can provide valuable insights and advice, and may even job referrals. When sending connection requests, personalize your message and explain why you’re interested in connecting with them.
  7. Reach out to recruiters: You can reach out to recruiters directly by searching for them on LinkedIn and sending them a message expressing your interest in job opportunities. However, be sure to customize your message and make it clear why you would be a good fit for the role. Remember that recruiters receive a large volume of messages, so it’s important to stand out by being concise and professional.
  8. Connect with alumni in the field: You can search for alumni by using the LinkedIn search feature and selecting your university. When sending them a connection request, personalize your message to explain why you’re interested in connecting. Alumni can provide valuable insights into the industry, offer advice on career paths, and even provide job opportunities.
  9. Write a summary that stands out: Your summary should be a brief and compelling overview of your professional experience, skills, and career goals. Use keywords relevant to your industry to help your profile show up in relevant searches. You can also add multimedia elements such as videos or presentations to make your summary more engaging. A well-written and engaging summary can help you make a strong first impression and encourage others to reach out to you.
  10. Post comments and share posts to increase visibility:  When commenting on other people’s posts, make sure they are thoughtful and add value to the conversation. When sharing posts, make sure they are industry-specific content that aligns with your professional interests. By doing so, you can capture the attention of other professionals in your field and increase the likelihood of connecting with them. Furthermore, commenting and sharing can broaden your network by exposing your profile to a wider audience.

Following these best practices can help you build a strong professional network on LinkedIn, stay up-to-date on industry news and trends, and advance your career. By creating a professional and compelling profile, engaging with others, and connecting with professionals in your field, you can establish yourself as a thought leader and expand your professional opportunities. I hope you find these best practices helpful in achieving your professional goals.


LinkedIn Corporation. (n.d.). LinkedIn Help – Customizing Your Public Profile URL. LinkedIn Help Center. https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/87/customizing-your-public-profile-url?lang=en

LinkedIn Corporation. (n.d.). LinkedIn Help – Your LinkedIn Profile. LinkedIn Help Center. https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/29/your-linkedin-profile?lang=en

Schawbel, D. (2020). 20 Best LinkedIn Tips for Job Seekers. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danschawbel/2020/06/09/20-best-linkedin-tips-for-job-seekers/?sh=4c4f0fb144d4

The Muse. “The Ultimate Guide to Building a Killer LinkedIn Profile That Gets You Noticed.” The Muse, https://www.themuse.com/advice/the-ultimate-guide-to-building-a-kickass-linkedin-profile

Tofan, C. (2022). How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile in 2022: 15 Tips from a LinkedIn Recruiter. HubSpot. https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/linkedin-profile-tips

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