2.2 – Memorandum: Ten Best Practices for LinkedIn Professional Networking


To: Amy’s Team (ENGL 301 group) ,

From: Michael Ly

Date: March 6, 2023

Subject: Ten Best Practices for LinkedIn Professional Networking

This memorandum will be summarizing ten best practices for using LinkedIn as a resource for professional networking from research findings. The following list highlights the ten best practices.

  1. Adding a profile picture with a smile – Choosing the correct profile picture that showcases a professional appearance where the face takes up 60% of the image and features a smile.
  2. Writing a purpose in the headline – The headline can go beyond the job title to include the purpose behind taking on the role.
  3. Telling a story in the summary – The summary section can be more than just a list of skills and previous job titles. Using the summary section to share a story of a personal experience to add character to the profile.
  4. Growing connections – Growing the network by actively making connections and connecting to professionals within the industry of interest.
  5. Using a custom URL – Using a custom LinkedIn profile URL to produce a memorable professional look when shared to colleagues or employers
  6. Adding posts and comments – Actively engaging in the LinkedIn network by creating informative posts, leaving comments, and discussing new topics of interest with other professionals.
  7. Using visuals – Using visuals to highlight work moments such as professional seminars, conferences, networking events, and personal projects.
  8. Showcasing accomplishments – Writing about what and how certain results were accomplished wherever possible as opposed to a simple description of the work completed
  9. Listing relevant skills – Reviewing relevant skills and update the skills section to support the descriptions indicated in the headline and summary sections
  10. Following relevant organizations or influencers – Following relevant organizations and influencers to highlight range of interests and passions

Following these ten best practices will help make LinkedIn an effective professional networking platform to establish a wide range of professional connections and open up new career growth opportunities.

Works Cited

Chase, Ken. “12 Ways to Make Your Linkedin Profile Stand out (2023 Guide).” TopResume, 22 Dec. 2022, ca.topresume.com/career-advice/10-ways-to-create-a-winning-linkedin-profile.

Clark, Biron. “How to Use Linkedin to Find a Job in 2022.” Career Sidekick, 13 Feb. 2023, careersidekick.com/use-linkedin-to-find-job/.

Deehan, Jane. “20 Steps to a Better Linkedin Profile in 2023.” LinkedIn, 1 Jan. 2023, www.linkedin.com/business/sales/blog/profile-best-practices/17-steps-to-a-better-linkedin-profile-in-2017.

Russell, Anne M. “Make the Most of Linkedin for Your Job Search.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 13 Feb. 2023, www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/012915/how-use-linkedin-get-job.asp.

Ryan, Robin. “17 Linkedin Profile Writing Tips to Make You Standout.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 9 Nov. 2022, www.forbes.com/sites/robinryan/2021/01/19/17-linkedin-profile-writing-tips-to-make-you-standout/?sh=7bd3305c26c8.

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