2.2 | Memorandum: Ten Best Practices for Using LinkedIn


To:                   Amy’s Writing Team (ENGL 301 Group)

From:              Amy McCoan ( ENGL 301 Student)

Date:                February 28, 2023

Subject:        Ten best practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking site.

Dear Writing Team,

I have compiled ten best practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking site. LinkedIn is a social networking platform bringing together professionals and job recruiters to find connections, employment opportunities, and more.

Here are the top ten practices:

  1. Completing your profile. Including a headline, a professional profile and background photo, a summary, a job title, and an up-to-date resume will increase your visibility on LinkedIn. 
  2. Optimizing your profile. Ensuring all of your profile elements are current, on-brand, and eye-catching for an attractive profile appearance. 
  3. Getting endorsements. Endorsing others and asking for endorsements implies you’re validating each other’s work quality.  
  4. Gathering connections from people you know. Using the search function or browsing the suggested network helps you find other professionals. 
  5. Connecting with a stranger in your field. Sending meaningful, personalized, and friendly messages with your requests establishes a memorable first impression. 
  6. Joining LinkedIn groups. Following a group in your area of specialty or interest assists you in finding and forming new professional connections. 
  7. Regularly write content. Tailoring your writing to your audience and posting several times a week keeps viewers interested in your profile.
  8. Writing a recommendation. Vouching for other people’s work quality suggests that you’re a great reference.
  9. Keeping it up to date. Removing irrelevant information and work experiences keeps your LinkedIn concise. 
  10. Liking, commenting, and engaging with other posts. Showing others you stay active on the platform.

Creating an eye-catching profile, forming meaningful connections, and staying active on the LinkedIn platform will ensure your success.

Kind regard,



How to make the most out of LinkedIn. (n.d). University of British Columbia. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from


Kurtuy, A. (2023, January 4). How to network on Linkedin – 7 proven tips for 2023. Careerblog.


Peek, S. (2023, February 21). What is LinkedIn?. Business news daily. https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/2489-linkedin.html

Smulders, S. (2022, February 2). How to network on Linkedin – 10 do’s and dont’s for you to consider. Exapandi.iohttps://expandi.io/blog/how-to-network-on-linkedin/


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