2.3 – Formal Report Outline: Enhancing Community Safe Medication Handling and Disposal Practices

Enhancing Community Safe Medication Handling and Disposal Practices at a Local Pharmacy in Burnaby, BC


  1. Definition of medication handling
  2. Background information on proper medication handling
  3. Description on common medication and medical waste pathways
  4. Purpose of this report
  5. Description of data sources
  6. Scope of this inquiry


  1. Overview of study design
  2. Proportion of medication waste streams
    1. Residential waste
    2. Local Sewage System
    3. Pharmacies
    4. Other disposal methods
  3. Proportion of medications kept beyond expiration date
  4. Proportion of separation of expired or unused medications from ones in use
  5. Common storage locations for old medications
  6. Method of medication storage when returned to pharmacy
  7. Views on addition of pharmacy supplied personal medication waste containers
  8. Limitations of survey and data


  1. Summary of overall interpretation of findings
  2. Recommendations for improving community medication handling and environment


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