Formal Report Outline

Extending Ergonomic Setup at UBC: an Assessment of Ergonomic Benefits and Feasibility of Implementation 

I. Introduction

A. Definition of Ergonomics

B. Background information on the impact of ergonomics on one’s health and well-being

C. Description of the current setup in UBC study spaces

D. Purpose of this report

E. Brief description of primary and secondary data sources used

F. Scope of this inquiry


II. Data Section [Body]

A. Evaluation of current study setup in UBC study spaces

    1. pros and cons of current setup
    2. student opinions on current setup

B.  Benefits of proper ergonomic setup for a student

    1. productivity
    2. health and well-being
    3. injury prevention

C. Best type of ergonomic setup for a student

E. Logistics of implementing ergonomic setup at UBC

    1. where it should be implemented
    2. cost analysis
    3. potential drawbacks


III. Conclusion

A. summary and overall interpretation of findings

B. Recommendations for successful implementation of ergonomic setups at UBC

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