2:3 Formal Report Outline – Miranda Tang

Formal Report Outline for Proposal to Renovate Listening Training Methods in UBC’s Chinese Language Programs


A. Background information on UBC’s Chinese language program and deficiencies in the current instructional strategies

B. Overview of problem areas

      1. inadequate training in listening skills
      2. the use of simplified listening materials and poorly conceived listening exercises
      3. utilizing a single criterion to gauge listening success

C. The purpose and intended audience of the report

D. A concise summary of data sources

E. Scope of this inquiry



A. Evaluation of primary sources of data

      1. informal interviews with Chinese language teaching assistants
      2. anonymous surveys of students enrolled in Chinese language programs

B. Literature review and proposed solutions

      1. strategic approach
      2. extensive listening
      3. material and task
      4. context and visual support
      5. teaching or testing

C. A recent study of the effectiveness of authentic materials

      1. materials and methods
      2. results
      3. discussion



A. Summary of Findings

B. Overview of recommendations


Ⅳ. References

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