2.3 Formal Report Outline

Introducing Daily Specials At Cactus Club Cafe to Increase Customer Volume During the Months of January to April 


A. Background on Cactus Club Cafe

B. Background on problem areas

1. Downturn in customer volume during the months of January to April

2. Reduced company profits

3. Reduced server and bartender compensation

C. Purpose of report and intended audience

D. Description and overview of data sources and data collection methods

E. Scope of inquiry


A. Data on service industry in British Columbia

1. Focus on downturn in customer volume during the months of January to April

B. Analysis of Interview data

1. Insights gained from conversation with the head manager of Cactus Club Cafe Park Royal

C. Analysis of survey data

1. Anonymous survey of restaurant goers in the lower mainland

a) Specific section on Cactus Club Cafe customers

b) Customer attitudes on dinning during the months of January to April

D. Proposed solution

1. Analysis of data collected from surveys regarding daily specials

E. Feasibility of Solution

1. Impact of daily specials on driving customer restaurant choices

2. Cost-benefit analysis of introducing daily specials

F. Potential risks and limitations

1. Limiations of data collection and analysis

2. Financial risks of daily specials

3. Limitations of proposed solution


A. Summary and overall interpretation of findings

B. Final recommendations


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