2:3 Outline for Formal Report of Granting Chinese Nurses the Right to Medical Prescription

I. Introduction

A. Background information on Chinese healthcare system, including the structure of the system, the role of nurses in the system, and any relevant laws or regulations governing the practice of nursing in China.

B. Explanation of the issue: Chinese nurses’ lack of medical prescription rights. Providing the statistic information to support the importance and necessity of granting Chinese nurses medical prescription rights. Explain the shortage of healthcare professionals in China, including nurses, and how this shortage is affecting the quality of care provided to patients.

C.Emphasize the importance of nurses in providing high-quality healthcare, and how expanding their role could help address the shortage of healthcare professionals in China.

D. International standards for nursing practice: Discuss how the nursing profession is regulated in other countries, and how the Chinese nursing profession could benefit from adopting similar standards. Highlight the potential benefits of granting Chinese nurses greater medical rights, such as improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and enhancing the overall quality of care in China.

E. Scope of inquiry.


A. Data collection methods

B. Participants and sampling

C. Data analysis procedures

D. Result of data analysis

  • Demographics of participants
  • Opinions of participants on granting Chinese nurses medical prescription rights
  • Statistical analysis of date


A. Interpretation of results

B. Implications of granting Chinese nurses medical prescription rights

C. Limitations of the study

D. Recap of the issue and purpose of the report and summary of the main findings

E. Recommendations for future research and policy changes

Ⅳ. References

A. List of sources cited in the report

B. Additional resources for readers interested in the topic

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