Formal Report Outline

Increasing Available Co-op Positions for UBC Students


  1. Definition of co-op
  2. Background on the benefits of co-op placements
  3. Description of barriers to getting a co-op placement
  4. Purpose and intended audience
  5. Brief description of research and sources
  6. Scope of inquiry


  1. Overview of current co-op program structure
  2. Barriers to landing a co-op placement
    1. Lack of relevant work experience
    2. Limited available opportunities
    3. Time-consuming applications
    4. Unpaid positions
  3. Analysis of student surveys
  4. Strategies to increase placement rate for co-op students
    1. Current approaches to training co-op students
    2. Pros and cons of creating co-op jobs on UBC campus
  5. Feasibility of proposed solution
    1. Estimated cost
    2. Creative process for new co-op roles


  1. Summary of findings
  2. Recommendations

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