Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline for Increasing Access and Awareness to the AMS Food Bank for UBC Students


  1. Definition of food security/insecurity and food accessibility resources
  2. Background on the AMS Food Bank and food insecurity among students at UBC
  3. Description on the challenges and barriers for access and awareness to the food bank
  4. Purpose of this report
  5. Brief description of data sources
  6. Scope of this inquiry


  1. Analysis of collected data
    1. Anonymous surveys of UBC students
    2. Summary of secondary research
  2. Barriers for access and awareness of the AMS Food Bank among students
    1. Current stigma surrounding accessing food accessibility resources
    2. Limited funding opportunities
    3. Low engagement among students with being involved with food security initiatives
  3. Proposed solution and feasibility discussion
    1. Feasibility of increasing funding for the AMS Food Bank
    2. Potential benefits of increased promotion of the AMS Food Bank
      1. Challenging the stigma of accessing food security resources
      2. Increase engagement and involvement with food bank initiatives


  1. Summary and overall interpretation of findings
  2. Recommendations for improving access and awareness for the AMS FoodBank

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