Formal Report Outline – Terry Chou

Formal Report Outline for Proposal to Address the Issue of Academic Misconduct in CPSC 110


A. Definition of academic misconduct in the context of CPSC 110

B. Background on the academic issues in CPSC 110

C. Overview of problem areas

  1. inadequate training in detecting accessing unauthorized files
  2. easy access to solution files online
  3. sharing codes between students

D. Purpose of this report

E. Scope of this inquiry

F. Importance of the issue


A. Evaluation of primary sources of data

  1. informal interviews of CPSC 110 TAs
  2. anonymous online surveys of CPSC 110 TAs and students

B. Effectiveness of current policies and procedures for addressing academic misconduct

  1. overview of current strategies
  2. comparison of policies with other similar CPSC courses

C. Feasibility of proposed solutions

  1. detailed evaluation of proposed solutions
  2. assessment of resources and support needed

D. Impact on student learning and outcomes

  1. student attitudes toward academic misconduct
  2. literature review of the effects of misconduct


A. Summary and interpretation of findings

B. Recommendations

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