Formal Report Outline: Brian Wong

Formal Report Outline : Addressing Overcrowding of Study Spots at Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKB) and the Nest



A. Background on overcrowdedness at IKB and the Nest 

B. Description of issues caused by overcrowdedness 

C. Purpose of this report 

D. Description of data sources

E. Scope of inquiry



A. Analysis of collected data

      1. Anonymous surveys of students at UBC 
      2. Research from secondary sources

B. Alternate study spaces on UBC 

      1. Data from anonymous surveys of students at UBC 
      2. Research from secondary sources 

C. Proposed solution and feasibility 

      1. Feasibility of creating and promoting content that advertises alternate study spaces 
      2. Potential benefits of increasing awareness to alternate study spaces and decreasing crowding



A. Summary and interpretation of findings

B. Recommendations/Suggestions

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