2.3 – Memorandum for Michael’s Formal Research Progress Report


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor
From: Michael Ly, English 301 Student
Date: March 15, 2023
Subject:  Progress Report for Enhancing Community Safe Medication Handling and Disposal Practices



The audience has been updated to address the wider scope of the reports investigation. This report will be directed to Bryce Wong, the Director of Pharmacy Practice Support and Special Projects for the British Columbia Pharmacists Association.


This report will determine whether it is feasible for the BC Pharmacist’s Association to consider implementing a public medication and medical waste education campaign, as well as the need for the addition of personal medication waste containers that can be distributed to the public from local pharmacies to protect the environment and enhance community safety.


The increase in dense living conditions and aging demographics of our population will increase the need to implement educational programs to protect the public from improper medication handling and reduce impacts to the environment.


  • Assess public knowledge of medication handling
  • Investigate pharmacist procedures on educating of public on proper medication handling
  • Assess availability of proper waste containers for proper personal disposal of medical waste

Research Plan

  • Review current practices on medical and medication disposal and procedures
  • Review literature on common destinations of medication and medical waste
  • Primary data source will be two separate anonymous surveys of respondents who will be members of the public and community pharmacists
  • Link to survey questions for pharmacists:
  • Link to survey questions for the public:
  • Summarize data points and provide interpretation of findings
  • Provide recommendations based on data collection and analysis

Writing Schedule

  • March 19: Request approval to provide survey to public and pharmacists
  • March 20: Review secondary literature on current medical and medication waste management
  • March 21: Draft Introduction section
  • March 22: Draft Methodology and Study Design section
  • March 23: Distribute survey
  • March 24: Analyze survey data
  • March 25: Draft Data Section
  • March 27: Review draft and revise sections
  • March 29: Submit draft to team forum
  • April 3: Peer review team report
  • April 12: Submit final report

Thank you for taking the time to read my progress report. If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to reach me.

One comment on “2.3 – Memorandum for Michael’s Formal Research Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Michael,

    Thank you for this progress report -this is excellent, the surveys are excellent and ready to be posted. I look forward to learning more.

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