2:3 Formal Report Progress of Yiyu Li.


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor, University of British Columbia

From: Yiyu Li, ENGL 301 Student

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: ENGL 301 Progress Report: Proposal for Granting Chinese Nurses the Right to Medical Prescription


Intended Audience

This report is intended for the China Ministry of Health.


Purpose and Significance of the Report

The purpose of the report on granting Chinese nurses the right to medical prescription is to provide an overview of the current situation and discuss the potential benefits and challenges of this policy change. The report aims to inform policymakers, healthcare professionals, and the general public about the implications of granting Chinese nurses the right to prescribe medications.

The significance of this report lies in the potential impact that granting Chinese nurses the right to medical prescription could have on the healthcare system in China. It could help to address the shortage of doctors in many areas of the country, improve patient access to healthcare services, and enhance the role of nurses in providing patient care.

Additionally, this report could serve as a model for other countries facing similar challenges in their healthcare systems. By providing an in-depth analysis of the policy change, the report could help to inform similar debates in other countries and promote evidence-based decision-making.

Overall, the report on granting Chinese nurses the right to medical prescription is significant because it has the potential to improve healthcare access and quality in China and beyond.


Report Objectives

The objectives of the report include:

  • To provide an overview of the current healthcare system in China and the role of nurses in providing patient care.
  • To review the existing policies and regulations related to nursing practice and medication prescribing in China.
  • To examine the potential benefits and challenges of granting Chinese nurses the right to prescribe medications, including the impact on patient care, healthcare access, and the nursing profession.
  • To analyze the experiences of other countries that have implemented similar policies and their impact on healthcare delivery.
  • To identify the key stakeholders involved in the policy change and their perspectives on the issue.
  • To provide evidence-based recommendations for policymakers and healthcare professionals on the best practices for implementing this policy change.
  • To promote public awareness and understanding of the potential benefits and challenges of granting Chinese nurses the right to medical prescription.



The data comes from an online survey given to the Chinese Registered Nurse. Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to gather data for this report: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3W1sgTlShQXDF1I


Formal Report Outline

The formal report’s outline can be found at the following URL: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30199c2022w2/2023/03/13/23-outline-for-formal-report-of-granting-chinese-nurses-the-right-to-medical-prescription/


Research Plan

To accomplish the report’s objectives, I plan to:

  • Compose survey questions;
  • Distribute the survey to current TAs and UBC students taking Chinese language courses;
  • Clean and analyze data to determine the views from Chinese registered nurses.
  • Draw conclusions from the survey data analysis and give results according to the results.
  • Combine other related research to further discuss the research outcome and give some specific suggestions of granting medical prescription to nurses.


Writing Schedule

  • March 15: Post-Formal Report Progress Report
  • March 17: Once the survey is approved, send it to the registered nurses in China.
  • March 24: Collect data.
  • March 25: Clean and analyze data, then begin drafting a formal report
  • March 17–24: Conduct a review of the literature in medical policy and nurse prescription.
  • March 29: Post draft of the Formal Report
  • April 3: Receive peer review and make appropriate edits
  • April 9: Complete the final edits of the formal report.
  • April 12: Formal Report due


Thank you for looking over my progress report. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or inquiries.


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