Assignment 2.3 email memo to your Instructor detailing your progress on your Formal Report (Revised)


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor

From: Chohyeon Kim, ENGL301 Student

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: Progress Report: Addressing Food Insecurity and Promoting Sustainable, Affordable Food Practices at UBC


Purpose of Report

The purpose of the report is to investigate food insecurity among University of British Columbia (UBC) students and provide recommendations for strategies to promote sustainable and affordable food practices, including improving the food donation program.


Significance of Report

By examining the research results, the audience will gain a better understanding of food insecurity at UBC and the potential solutions to address this issue, ultimately benefiting students’ health and well-being.


Intended Audience

The intended audience for this report is the UBC Alma Mater Society (AMS)


Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To identify the root causes of food insecurity among UBC students, including the prevalence and impact of this issue on students.
  • To assess the current state of the food donation program at UBC, including its level of awareness and efficiency.
  • To develop recommendations for strategies to promote sustainable, affordable food practices at UBC, including improving the food donation program and increasing awareness of its availability, while also addressing the social stigma associated with using such programs.


Research Plan

To study the issue of food insecurity at UBC and provide helpful recommendations, I plan to:

  1. Investigate the extent of food insecurity among UBC students using secondary sources, such as published research articles, news reports, and university data.
  2. Design the survey with questions about students’ experiences with food insecurity and opinions on potential solutions, such as improving the food donation program.
  3. Conduct interviews with a sample of students to gain insights into their experiences with food insecurity and their thoughts on potential solutions.
  4. Analyze the primary data collected through the survey and interviews, identifying patterns, trends, and key insights about students’ experiences and opinions.
  5. Evaluate the effectiveness and accessibility of current programs and resources, such as the food donation program, based on the survey findings, interview insights, and secondary research.
  6. Identify feasible recommendations for addressing food insecurity and promoting sustainable food practices, focusing on improvements to the food donation program, and strategies for increasing awareness and reducing stigma.
  7. Summarize the findings from both primary data and secondary sources to develop actionable suggestions for addressing food insecurity and encouraging sustainable food practices at UBC.


Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report: OutlineDocument

Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline


Primary sources are data collected via an online survey of students at UBC, and a short interview with students. Attached is the link to the survey questions and the list of questions for the interview.

Link to Survey Questions


Interview Questions:

  1. How familiar are you with the concept of food insecurity and its impact on students?
  2. Are you aware of any existing programs or resources at UBC that address food insecurity and promote sustainable food practices? If so, which ones?
  3. Have you or anyone you know ever participated in any food donation programs or utilized resources available at UBC to address food insecurity?
  4. In your opinion, what can UBC do to make information about food insecurity and sustainable food practices more accessible to students?
  5. Are there any aspects of the current food donation program that you think could be improved to better serve the UBC community?
  6. What role do you believe the university should play in addressing food insecurity among its students?


Writing Schedule


Writing Schedule for the report on Addressing Food Insecurity and Promoting Sustainable Food Practices at UBC:

  • March 18: Begin conducting surveys and scheduling interviews upon approval
  • March 20: Write the Introduction and outline the report’s structure
  • March 22: Investigate secondary sources, draft the Overview of Food Insecurity and Sustainable Food Practices, and define food insecurity
  • March 24: Draft the Importance of Sustainable Food Practices and summarize survey and interview results
  • March 25: Analyze student experiences and attitudes and evaluate current programs and resources
  • March 26: Identify barriers to addressing food insecurity and analyze their impact
  • March 27: Draft Recommendations for Addressing Food Insecurity and discuss potential challenges
  • March 28: Write the Conclusion and perform a comprehensive edit of all sections
  • March 29: Publish a draft of the formal report on the team forum
  • April 4: Make revisions based on received peer review suggestions
  • April 12: Final Report due

If you have any questions regarding the Report, please let me know. Thank you for reading my report



Chohyeon Kim

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