Assignment 2.3 – Memo for Progress Report


To:               Erika Paterson, English 301 Professor

From:           Jennifer Dunbar, English 301 Student

Date:            March 15, 2023

Subject:       301 Progress Report: The Implementation of Electric Bicycle and Scooter Rules on the Arbutus Greenway

As requested for assignment 2.3, this report outlines the progress of the formal report on the implementation of electric bicycle and scooter rules on the Arbutus Greenway.

Intended Audience

Engineering Services, City of Vancouver Greenways Program (contact name/title still to be confirmed) 

Purpose of Report

To analyze the feasibility of increasing pedestrian safety on the Arbutus Greenway, and provide recommendations for implementing safety rules and regulations for electric bicycles and scooters.

Significance of Report

By presenting survey results and recommendations for improving pedestrian safety on the Arbutus Greenway, this report will highlight community concerns surrounding electric bicycles and scooters, provide an opportunity to assess the feasibility of implementing safety measures, and ensure the popularity of this urban greenway continues.

Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To assess the current design; highlighting potential areas of concern around safety
  • To assess if the future phases (2 thru 4) include plans for increased safety measures
  • To identify the demographics of those using the greenway
  • To identify the increased use of electric bicycle and scooter use
  • To identify specific areas of safety concerns by current users of the greenway
  • To propose three solutions for improving pedestrian safety
  • To determine the feasibility and cost of implementing the three solutions


Primary data collection will be done via an in-person survey on the Arbutus Greenway. Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to gather data for this report:


Survey Questions_hard copy

Secondary sources will include researching safety of shared urban pathways and the benefits and costs of implementing safety measures

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report: formal report outline

Research Plan

In order to analyze feasibility and provide effective recommendations, I plan to:

  • Contact the Greenways Program to obtain an overview of current and future phases, including any available visual references
  • Develop and distribute a survey to pedestrians on the Arbutus Greenway
  • Observe and record pedestrian, electric bicycle and electric scooter use on the greenway over a two day period (3 hours per day)
  • Analyze survey results and compile data into graphs for visual reference
  • Research successful city safety plans for similar greenway spaces in Canada
  • Research risk of collisions between pedestrian and motorized greenway users
  • Outline the community benefits of implementing additional safety measures
  • Determine the feasibility and costs of installing signage and barriers on the Arbutus Greenway

Writing Schedule

March 16: Contact Engineering department of Vancouver’s greenways (if contact information is confirmed) to gather information on history of Arbutus Greenway and future phase plan.
March 20:
Print out surveys upon approval
March 21: Day 1 conducting surveys and observe activity on the Arbutus Greenway
March 22: Day 2 of conducting surveys and observe activity / Research secondary sources for Data Section via UBC library and City of Vancouver website / expand search as needed
March 23: Continue research of secondary sources
March 24: Write draft of Introduction / continue research as needed
March 25: Start draft of Data Section / continue research as needed
March 26: Analyze data and develop visuals
March 27: Start draft on Conclusion
March 28: Compile pieces for Formal Report Draft
March 29: Formal Report Draft due
April 3: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft due
April 4-6: Revisions based on peer review
April 12: Final Report due

Thank you for taking the time to review this progress report. I look forward to your feedback to help make any necessary improvements.


One comment on “Assignment 2.3 – Memo for Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Jennifer, thank you for posting this progress report. I am wondering why the survey has a question for identifying gender? I do not think this is relevant to the investigation? Please edit out the question. Other than this, your survey is good to be posted. Thanks

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