Assignment 2.3: Memo For Progress Report

To: Erika Paterson, English 301 Professor

From: Liam Plosker, English 301 Student


Subject: 301 Progress Report: Coyote-Tracking App for UBC Point Grey Campus

Following the request for Assignment 2.3, this report details the current progress of the Formal Report on the development of a Coyote-Tracking App for UBC Point Grey Campus.


Intended Audience

Pacific Spirit Regional Park Park Ranger, UBC Services


Purpose of Report

To determine the viability of developing a coyote-tracking app to improve people’s safety on campus around coyotes, and provide recommendations on how an app can be implemented in the most effective manner.


Significance of Report

Through surveying people’s concerns about coyote activity and demand for a tracking app, this report will focus on concerns surrounding coyote activity on campus, examine how feasible an app would be in mitigating coyote aggression with humans, and what supplementary measures can be implemented to better safeguard people on campus.


Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To assess the current concerns regarding coyote activity on campus
  • To assess the current safety measures in place to mitigate coyote activity on campus
  • To identify which campus visitors and residents are most at risk from increased coyote activity on campus
  • To identity what the greatest concerns the general public on campus has regarding coyote activity
  • To propose coyote-tracking app and two supplementary measures for safeguarding people against increased coyote activity on campus
  • To determine the feasibility and cost involved in developing this app and keeping it up-to-date, along with the feasibility and cost involved with implementing supplementary measures to safeguard against coyote aggression



Primary data collection will be done via an in-person survey regarding people’s demand for a coyote-tracking app and gauge their concerns surrounding the recent uptick in coyote activity on UBC Point Grey Campus.

Secondary sources will include researching the efficacy wildlife tracking has in other settings across Canada, such as bear-tracking in Banff National Park, in mitigating aggression with humans.


Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report:


Research Plan

In order to examine the feasibility and provide clear recommendations, I plan to:

  • Contact the Pacific Spirit Park Ranger to gain an understanding of the current measures in place to safeguard the community from increased coyote activity
  • Develop and distribute a survey to campus visitors (e.g. students) and residents in my neighbourhood, as a campus resident myself
  • Analyse survey results and put together the data into graphs
  • Research successful wildlife tracking in other parts of Canada, such as in national or provincial parks in B.C. and urban centres situated close to them
  • Research the risk of coyote aggression posed by coyotes that have become habituated to humans, using other instances such as Stanley Park as references
  • Examine the community benefits of developing a coyote-tracking app for UBC Point Grey Campus
  • Determine the feasibility and costs of developing and maintaining a coyote-tracking app


Writing Schedule

March 21: Contact Pacific Spirit Park Ranger office to gather information on current safety measures put in place to protect the general public from coyote aggression.

March 22: Day 1 of conducting in-person surveys on campus among visitors (e.g. students) and residents.

March 23: Day 2 of conducting in-person surveys on campus among visitors (e.g. students) and residents .

March 24: Research secondary sources.

March 25: Write up a draft of the Introduction

March 26: Start Draft of Data Section

March 27: Analyse data, create graphs to illustrate data

March 28: Complete Draft of Data Section

March 29: Complete Draft of Conclusion Section, Put together all the pieces of the Formal Report draft – Formal Report Draft Due Today, Post on UBC Blogs.

April 3: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft Due

April 5: Revisions based on peer review

April 12: Final Report due


Thank you for reading this progress report. I await your feedback to assist in making any necessary improvements.

One comment on “Assignment 2.3: Memo For Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Liam,

    Thank you for posting this progress report. Liam, there is no survey attached? And, you can NOT do a face to face survey because these surveys need to be anonymous. Please create an online survey and post and alert me asap so I can approve. Thanks.

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