Memo: Progress Report of Formal Proposal


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: Sangita Dutta, ENGL301 Student
Date: March 15, 2023
Subject: Progress Report : Addition of  Ergonomic Setups at UBC


Target Audience of Report

This report is intended for Dr. Ainsley Carry, who is the UBC Vice-President, Students. His office manages student life experiences, including student health and well-being at the University of British Columbia.


Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to assess the benefits of proper ergonomics on various dimensions of student’s health, investigate student’s awarenss of the effects of ergonomics and and opinion on the current setup, as well as the feasibility of implementing ergonomic setups at UBC.

Significance of Report

This report aims to provide empirical data from relevant literature and survey results to increases awareness around the benefits of proper ergonomics, measure the feasibility of implementing ergonomic setups at UBC, and provide appropriate recommendations on how to successfully implement. Proper ergonomic study setups can ensure student’s well-being, prevent any long-term injuries and increase productivity, which will help support their academic success in the long-term.

Report Objectives: 

The objectives of this report are:

  • To assess current setup for students at UBC study area based on ergonomics
  • To determine student’s awareness and knowledge on the benefits of proper ergonomics
  • To determine student’s opinion on the current setup
  • to investigate the effects of proper ergonomics on a student’s health, well-being, and productivity
  • To identify which types of ergonomic setup would be best suited for UBC students
  • To analyze drawbacks, feasibility, and cost of adding more ergonomic setups at UBC
  • To provide a recommendation based on research from above objectives on how to successfully implement more ergonomic setups at UBC


Primary data collection will be conducted via online survey distributed among current UBC students who have studied at one of the UBC libraries:

Survey Link


Formal Report Outline

Attached is a link to formal report outline:


Research Plan:

  • Identify the types of desks and chairs currently in use at UBC libraries, including Woodward Library, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, and Walter C. Koerner Library.
  • Primary survey collected online from current UBC students that have used the above facilities at UBC and their opinion of current setup, knowledge and awareness of ergonomic setups, as well as what types of ergonomic setups they would like to see on campus.
  • Secondary research will be based on empirical data from past literature on the effects of proper ergonomic setups on various dimensions of health, best models best suited for students, cases of successful implementation of ergonomic setups at other educational facilities.
  • Analyze and compile findings from both primary and secondary sources to create an in-depth recommendation on how UBC administrators can successfully implement more ergonomic setups at UBC.

Writing Schedule:

  • March 17th: Distribute Survey Online among UBC students
  • March 19th: Gather research based on secondary sources
  • March 22nd: Close survey and begin draft for formal report with data gathered from survey and secondary sources
  • March 28th: Complete Formal Report Draft and begin self-revision
  • March 29th: Draft of Formal Report Due
  • April 3rd: Peer Review of Formal Report Due
  • April 5th: Self-edit Formal based on peer review
  • April 12th: Formal Report Due









One comment on “Memo: Progress Report of Formal Proposal
  1. erikapaterson says:

    • RE: “The UBC administrators who are responsible for student athlete academic support.” Please note the instructions for this report: “audience for your report: this is your first and foremost consideration: Do not simply state an administrative body, you need to do the research and find the name of the person most appropriate.”
    • RE: “Your answers will be made completely anonymous and feel free to skip over questions you would prefer not to answer.” Please return to the example on the instructor’s blog and phrase correctly, the word ‘voluntary’ must be in the introduction.

    Please revise the progress report accordingly and include the word voluntary in the survey and you can proceed. Thank you.

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