Memorandum – Formal Research Progress Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor

From: Delsther James, ENGL301 Student

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: Progress Report: Proposal on Revising Library Procedures Upon Prevention of Stress and Distractions in UBC Libraries
Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to propose revised library procedures for the University of British Columbia (UBC) libraries to prevent stress and distractions for students, enhance their user experience, and support academic success.

Significance of Report

The report aims to address the issues of stress and disturbance in UBC libraries and provide a solution to create a non-disruptive environment for students to study effectively. The proposed changes can enhance the user experience, improve academic success, and support the mission of the library to support student learning.

Intended Audience

The UBC Library Team responsible for managing policies, procedures, and guidelines.

Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are to:

  1. To determine the need of revising library procedures to enhance user experience and prevent stress and distractions in libraries
  2. To evaluate the experience of users with the current library procedures
  3. To identify the potential benefits and drawbacks of revising the procedures and practices of UBC libraries
  4. To confirm the feasibility of implementing revised library procedures and practices, including the potential costs associated with implementing the changes

The primary sources of data for this report will be surveys and interviews conducted among UBC library staff (if applicable).

Link to survey:

Secondary sources will be academic journals, research papers, and publications providing insights into the impacts of library procedures and policies on user experience. Case studies of other academic libraries that have implemented similar changes will also be reviewed.

Formal Report Outline:

Attached is the link to the outline of the formal report:

Research Plan

To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed revisions to the UBC Library procedures and practices, I will conduct the following research activities:

  1. Review of current library procedures and practices
    • Identify current policies, guidelines, and procedures in place at UBC libraries.
    • Review related documentation, including library websites and internal memos.
  2. Analysis of user experiences
    • Conduct online surveys among UBC students to collect data on their experiences in the libraries.
    • Use quantitative methods to analyze the survey responses and identify areas of concern and possible improvements.
  3. Identification of potential benefits and drawbacks of revised procedures
    • Conduct a review of academic literature and case studies to identify best practices in academic library procedures and policies.
    • Analyze the potential costs and benefits of implementing revised procedures, including expenses on hardware, software, and staff training.
  4. Data visualization and analysis
    • Produce data visualization graphics to illustrate survey results.
    • Conduct data analysis to identify trends and patterns in the survey responses.
    • Perform cost analysis to identify the financial feasibility of proposed changes.
  5. Conclusions and recommendations
    • Draw conclusions based on findings from both primary and secondary sources.
    • Develop recommendations for revising library procedures and practices to enhance the user experience and support academic success.
Writing Schedule

Attached is the document for the writing schedule:


Thank you for reviewing my progress report and I am eager to receive your thoughts and feedback.

One comment on “Memorandum – Formal Research Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Thank you for this progress memo and survey – this is excellent and your survey is ready to be posted online. I look forward to learning more.

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