Memorandum: Progress Report

Memorandum – Progress Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Helen Zhou, ENGL 301 Student

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: ENGL 301 Progress Report: Increasing Access and Awareness of the AMS Food Bank for UBC Students

As per lesson 2:3, I have posted my formal report outline on my writing team’s forum, Sangita’s team. Please see the progress report of my formal report below:

Intended Audience

The UBC Finance and Budgeting team, including Frank Laezza, Vice President of Finance and Operations.

Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of this report is to determine the feasibility of increasing access and awareness to the AMS Food Bank for UBC students. In addition, recommendations and potential solutions will be proposed for the UBC Finance team regarding improving AMS Food Bank resources to increase effectiveness in addressing student food insecurity.

Exploring this area of focus is important as it places emphasis and priority on the health and wellbeing of UBC students. Furthermore, acknowledging this concern can help reduce the stigma against accessing student resources by promoting respectful discussion and a supportive community.

Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To assess the current awareness, barriers, and demand for food accessibility resources at UBC
  • To determine the feasibility of increasing funding and promotion for the AMS Food Bank
  • To provide recommendations and strategies for increasing awareness of the AMS Food Bank as well as for reducing stigma and barriers for access.


Primary data collection via an online survey targeted towards current UBC students. Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to gather data for this report:

Secondary research will include reports from the AMS Student Experience surveys and other relevant literature sources regarding food insecurity among university students.

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report:

Research Plan

In order to analyze the feasibility of increasing access and awareness to the UBC AMS Food Bank, I plan to:

  • Identify the extent of the problem, including the level of awareness and utilization of the AMS food bank, as well as any barriers to accessing this resource.
  • Identify primary data sources, such as current UBC students.
  • Create online survey questions for primary data sources.
  • Conduct surveys with primary data sources (current UBC students).
  • Perform secondary research through AMS student experience survey reports and peer-reviewed articles regarding student food insecurity.
  • Compile and analyze data from survey responses.
  • Produce visuals based on survey data.
  • Evaluate and determine the best recommendations and strategies to propose for increasing access and awareness to the AMS Food Bank.

Writing Schedule

  • March 15: Post Formal Report Progress Report
  • March 17: Revise survey according to feedback
  • March 18: Start collecting survey responses and conduct secondary research with literature reviews and reports
  • March 23: Close surveys and begin analyzing and organizing data for the Formal Report draft
  • March 24: Complete Introduction section
  • March 26: Complete Data section
  • March 27: Complete Conclusion section
  • March 28: Finalize draft edits and details regarding data collection
  • March 29: Post draft of Formal Report
  • Apr 3: Complete Peer Review
  • Apr 10: Complete edits of Formal Report according to peer review, other feedback, etc.
  • Apr 12: Submit Formal Report

Thank you for taking the time to review this progress report. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

One comment on “Memorandum: Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Thank you for posting this progress report and survey. This looks excellent, and your survey is ready to be posted.

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