Email Memorandum: Progress Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor,

From: Tanya Mozafari, English 301 Student,

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: Progress Report on Increasing Available Co-op Positions for UBC Students

Dear Dr. Paterson,

I have outlined my Progress Report on Increasing Available Co-op Positions for UBC Students below.

Intended Audience

The intended audience is Deborah Buszard, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor at the University of British Columbia.

Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to propose a solution to the challenge of securing relevant work experience for UBC students, particularly for those who are unable to secure a position through current programs such as co-op and internships. The report suggests expanding co-op programs to include more paid positions and offering automatic placement to students who have adequately attended all conferences and workshops but still cannot secure a position.

Significance of Report

This report addresses a critical challenge that students face when transitioning from university to the workforce. The proposed solution of expanding co-op programs and offering automatic placement to students who have put in the effort but are still unable to secure a position will not only benefit the students but also improve the reputation of UBC as an institution that supports its graduates. By exploring effective ways to ensure that all UBC students have the opportunity to gain relevant work experience, the report aims to contribute to the success of UBC students and ultimately improve their employability and career prospects.

Report Objectives

  • To propose a solution to the challenge of securing relevant work experience for UBC students
  • To evaluate the demand and feasibility of expanding co-op programs at UBC
  • To explore effective ways to ensure that all UBC students have the opportunity to gain relevant work experience
  • To gather first-hand information on UBC students’ experiences with landing internships and relevant work experiences during their undergraduate studies
  • To identify potential benefits and drawbacks of expanding co-op programs at UBC

Research Plan

I plan to gather data from current UBC students as well as UBC alumni to better understand the scope of this issue.

  • Compose a survey with questions about experiences with UBC Co-op and employment post graduation (if applicable)
  • Distribute the survey online
  • Analyze the results from the survey
  • Create visual representations of the collected data
  • Investigate the need for and potential benefit of implementing automatic co-op placements

Writing Schedule

  • March 15: Post Progress Report on the team forum
  • March 16: Distribute surveys on Facebook groups and Instagram story
  • March 20: Research online for more information about Co-op programs at other Universities in Canada
  • March 23: Close the survey and analyze the results
  • March: 26: Start writing the Formal Report Draft
  • March 29: Formal Report Draft posted on the team forum

Link to Survey

Thank you for taking the time to review my progress report. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

Tanya Mozafari

Attached: English 301 Survey Results

One comment on “Email Memorandum: Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Tanya,Thank you for posting your progress report and survey. Tanya, the survey has two questions – is there something missing? Please let me know via email, thank you.

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