2.3 Formal Research Report Progress Report



To: Dr. Erika Paterson (ENGL 301 Professor)

From: Riya Kathuria (ENGL 301 Student)

Date: March 16, 2023

Subject: Progress Report of Formal Proposal Regarding the Feasibility and Potential Implementation of Ramadan Meals Accommodation at UBC Vancouver Campus.


Intended Audience

David Speight, Culinary Director and Executive Chef and Colin Moore, the Director of Food Services at UBC Vancouver Campus.

Purpose of Report

he purpose of this report is to propose the implementation of Ramadan meal accommodations for Muslim students at the University of British Columbia (UBC) during the month of Ramadan. The report aims to investigate the feasibility of this proposal and explore the potential benefits and drawbacks, as well as to address the challenges faced by Muslim students during this religious event.

Significance of Report

The significance of this report is to promote inclusivity and diversity on campus by providing an environment that supports the religious needs of Muslim students and to contribute to the well-being and academic success of these students.


  • Investigate the feasibility of implementing Ramadan meals accommodation for UBC students during the month of Ramadan
  • Explore the current level of awareness and support for Ramadan among the UBC student community
  • Assess the dietary needs and preferences of Muslim students during Ramadan
  • Identify the challenges Muslim students face in accessing suitable meals during Ramadan
  • Evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing Ramadan meals accommodation for UBC students, including its impact on student well-being, academic performance, and campus diversity and inclusivity.

Research Plan

  • Develop a survey to assess the current level of awareness and support for Ramadan among the UBC student community.
  • Conduct focus groups with Muslim students at UBC to gather insights into their experiences observing Ramadan on campus, their needs and preferences for Ramadan meals accommodation, and their suggestions for implementation.
  • Distribute the survey to the broader UBC student population to assess their attitudes towards Ramadan meals accommodation and their willingness to support such an initiative.
  • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to assess the financial feasibility of implementing Ramadan meals accommodation for UBC students.
  • Conduct a feasibility assessment to identify potential logistical challenges and barriers to implementation, such as budget constraints and cultural sensitivity.
  • Consult with experts in Islamic studies and campus dining services to gather insights on the best practices for implementing Ramadan meals accommodation at UBC.
  • Analyze the data collected through the survey, focus groups, cost-benefit analysis, and feasibility assessment to develop a set of recommendations for implementing Ramadan meals accommodation at UBC.

Writing Schedule

  • March 17-23: Draft initial proposal and send to supervisor for feedback
  • March 24-30: Revise proposal based on feedback and send to David Speight and Colin Moore for review
  • March 31-April 6: Follow up with David Speight and Colin Moore to schedule a meeting to discuss proposal
  • April 7-13: Conduct preliminary research on current dining services at UBC and potential options for Ramadan meals accommodation
  • April 14-20: Develop survey and focus group questions for UBC students and schedule meetings with relevant student organizations
  • April 21-27: Conduct surveys and focus groups with UBC students and analyze data
  • April 28-May 4: Meet with David Speight and Colin Moore to present findings and discuss potential next steps for implementing Ramadan meals accommodation at UBC.

Thank you for taking the time to review my progress report. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Enclosure 1: Survey

Enclosure 2: Questions to Pose Colin Moore ENGL 301

One comment on “2.3 Formal Research Report Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Riya,

    Thank you for posting this progress report and survey. This looks excellent, and your survey is ready to be posted.

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