Assignment 2.3 – Email Memorandum for Progress Report

To: Professor Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Alethea Kramer, ENGL 301 Student

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: Progress Report for Formal Report

As requested in Lesson 2.3, below is my progress report for my formal report on Increasing Opportunities for Casual and Unplanned Interactions Between Team Members of The Digital Services Team of Public Services and Procurement Canada. This progress report includes information on the audiences, purpose, significance, research plan, and writing schedule. Included are the URL links to the survey questions that will be used in the data collection period.


The audience for this report is the manager of The Digital Services Team who is responsible for decision-making on team activities and organization.

Purpose of The Report

The purpose of this report is to recommend ways to improve The Digital Services Team dynamic by highlighting the benefits of unplanned or spontaneous interactions and uncovering opportunities to encourage them. Currently, there are limited opportunities to facilitate casual or impromptu interactions between team members, which can have a negative impact on relationships, job sentiment, and work performance. This report aims to address this issue and provide recommendations for enhancing team dynamics.

Significance of the Report

The significance of this report includes the following:

  • The Digital Services Team can gain insight into the benefits of unplanned or casual workplace interactions.
  • The Digital Services Team will gather feedback on employee sentiment around current work conditions and structure.
  • The Digital Services Team’s manager will receive recommendations to increase instances of unplanned or casual workplace interactions.
  • Team members will ideally enjoy the benefits of unplanned or casual workplace interactions once recommendations are implemented.


The objectives of this report are as follows:

  • To examine the impact of unplanned or casual workplace interactions.
  • To analyze the perspectives of remote or hybrid workers on options for increasing instances of such interactions.
  • To suggest recommendations for enhancing team dynamics by increasing opportunities for team members to have unplanned or casual workplace interactions.

Research Plan

The research plan for this report includes the following steps:

  • Identify the problem: The lack of spontaneous or casual workplace interactions in a primarily remote-based professional setting.
  • Identify the primary data source: Survey current employees of The Digital Services Team.
  • Survey remote or hybrid-based employees in the technology field.
  • Compose survey questions with an ethical introduction to the surveys.
  • Create graphics and visuals based on information from the survey.
  • Derive recommendations for addressing the lack of spontaneous and casual workplace interactions that are practical, realistic, and able to be implemented by this team.

Writing Schedule

The writing schedule for this report is as follows:

  • March 15th: Post Progress Report for Formal Report on the team forum.
  • March 17th – March 25th: Distribute the survey questions after approval and collect data.
  • March 25th – March 27th: Create graphics and visuals based on information from the survey.
  • March 29th: Complete the Formal Report Draft and post it on the team forum.
  • April 3rd: Submit the peer review of the Formal Report Draft on your team forum.
  • April 4th – April 5th: Revise the Formal Report Draft based on the received peer review.
  • April 12th: Complete the Formal Report and post it on the team forum as a PDF.

Links to Survey

Survey for Digital Services Team Members:

Survey for Tech Remote Workers:

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