Memorandum Demonstrating You- Attitude

To: Evan Crisp

From: Long You, ENGL 301 Student

Subject: Tips for Writing an Email to a Professor Seeking to Be Added to a Full Course

Date: Mar 18, 2023


Here is the memo on best practices for writing an email to a professor seeking enrollment in a full course.

  • Addressing the professor with their formal title and last name to show respect for their position and expertise.
  • Providing a brief introduction with the student’s name and academic program.
  • Explaining the interest in the course and why it is important to enroll in it.
  • Using a polite and humble tone when requesting enrollment.
  • Acknowledging the inconvenience if the course is full and expressing the willingness to wait for a spot to become available.
  • Using formal language and maintaining a professional tone throughout the email. Avoiding using any slang or informal language.
  • Expressing gratitude for the professor’s time and attention and thanking them for considering the request and for their assistance in helping to enroll in the course.


Writing an email to a professor to request enrollment in a full course can be a challenging task. Following these tips can help us write a polite and professional email seeking to be added to a full course. If you have any questions, please call me at 6046442210, or email me at

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