3.1 | Memorandum on Composing a Professional Email


To:                   Evan Crisp (UBC Student)

From:             Amy McCoan (ENGL 301 Student)

Date:               March 19, 2023

Subject:          Advice on Composing a Professional Email

Dear Evan,

Thank you for reaching out to ENGL 301. Here is the memo you requested regarding advice on e-mail correspondence with Professor Lambert. Please consider the tips below.

  • Using a professional or school-affiliated email will help bypass spam filters
  • Formulating a clear subject title will indicate the email’s purpose and importance
  • Addressing the recipient with an appropriate title (Dr., Professor, etc.) conveys respect
  • Maintaining a positive, friendly, and formal tone keeps the communication courteous
  • Avoiding acronyms is displaying professionalism and clarity
  • Avoiding pronouns such as “you” will sound more positive
  • Keeping away from imperative verbs conveys a friendly attitude
  • Staying on point and avoiding “chatty” text will increase conciseness
  • Proofreading for grammar, typos, and slang maintains professionalism and clarity
  • Providing contact information for receiving a prompt response
  • Concluding your email with a warm salutation (eg: kind regard) continues courtersy

Email is a necessary communication tool. Following these tips can help you convey your message effectively. If you have any questions, please email me at amccoan@student.ubc.ca


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