Memorandum Demonstrating You- Attitude (Revised)

To: Evan Crisp, Student

From: Chohyeon Kim, ENGL 301 Student

Subject: Guidance on E-mail for Course Enrollment Requests

Date: Mar 20, 2023


Dear Evan Crisp,


I am writing to request your assistance in crafting an effective and approachable email to request course enrollment. Please consider the following recommendations that may be helpful:


  • An informative subject line, such as “Request for Enrollment in Full ENGL301 – 101 Section,” can be useful.
  • A respectful salutation, using the professor’s full name and title (Dr. or Prof.), can set a positive tone for the message.
  • Keeping the message brief, focused, and relevant to academic goals can help the professor understand the importance of the request.
  • Explaining the significance of the course to academic or career aspirations can demonstrate genuine interest.
  • Being open to different options, such as course times or sections, can show flexibility and willingness to work with the professor’s schedule.
  • Maintaining a friendly and polite tone throughout the message, and expressing gratitude for the professor’s time and consideration, can create a positive impression.
  • Proofreading the email to ensure it is free of errors and has clear phrasing is recommended to avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Concluding with a warm and professional closing, followed by your full name and student number, can help the professor identify and respond to the request effectively.

I hope that these recommendations are helpful in crafting an effective email for course enrollment. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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