3.1 Email Memorandum to Evan Crisp


To: Evan Crips (UBC Student) 

From: Parsa Seyed Zehtab (ENGL 301 Student) 

Date: March 21, 2023

Subject: Best Practices for Composing a Professional Email 


Thank you for reaching out to the ENGL 301 student team. Below you will find a list of best practices for email correspondence with Professor Lambert. Considering and applying the information below will result in a more professional-looking email, increasing the chances of a reply from Professor Lambert. 

  • Including a descriptive subject line will inform the reader about the overarching purpose of the message, making it more likely they read the email. 
  • Writing a professional salutation conveys respect toward the reader. For example, “Dear Dr. Lambert, …”
  • Using a professional or school email ensures that nothing urgent gets lost amid spam filters
  • Proofreading for typos and grammatical errors ensures an email is properly received and the reader can act on the information in the email without confusion
  • Avoiding excessive use of the word “I” ensures that the focus is on what the reader of the email can do, and not on what the sender has done. 
  • Maintaining a concise, friendly, and professional tone ensures a courteous engagement with the reader, increasing the likelihood of the reader engaging or acting on the information sent in the email
  • Putting oneself in the shoes of the recipient ensures the email is written properly and accordingly. 
  • Focusing on the options that remain ensures a positive attitude in the email. For example, deleting the section that highlights the 8:30 am section.
  • Avoiding the use of informal language and slang conveys respect toward the reader
  • Avoiding outright demands and ultimatums increases the likelihood of the reader receiving the email positively 
  • Signing off with a professional salutation conveys respect and courtesy toward the reader 

Email is one of the most important communication tools available. Following the above practices will help you communicate with others in an effective and courteous manner, increasing the likelihood that the readers of your emails respond and help you. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me at any time at parsaz00@students.cs.ubc.ca


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