Revised Memo: Writing with You Attitude

To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student

From: Emilyn Sim, ENGL 301 Student

Date: March 22, 2023

Subject: Best Practices for Effective Communication with Professors


Thank you for seeking support in writing email correspondences with professors. Peer feedback is an extremely valuable tool, and seeking advice on effective communication with professors can improve the chances of getting a response. After reviewing the email, a list of best practices is compiled below that may be helpful with future communication with professors:

  • A clear and informative subject line can help the professor understand the purpose of the email.
  • When beginning the body of the email, consider starting with a formal introduction, such as “Dear Professor [Name].”
  • Providing any relevant information that will help the professor identify the student sending the email, such as a student number, shows attention to detail.
  • Avoid personal information that is unnecessary and may distract from the request.
  • To maintain a professional tone throughout, it is recommended to avoid using slang or abbreviations.
  • By proofreading the email for spelling and grammar errors before sending, it can demonstrate that time has been taken to craft a well-written message.
  • Consider ending the email with an appropriate professional conclusion, such as “Best regards” or “Thank you.”

These practices may help interact with teachers more effectively and increase the chances of getting a response. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at if there are any queries.


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