3.1 Memo to Evan Crisp: Writing with You-Attitude


To: Evan Crisp, Student <bahaguy5454@hotmail.com>
From: Angie Zhou, ENGL 301 Student <angiezhou6@hotmail.com>
Date: March 22, 2023
Subject: Best Practices for Writing Professional Emails

Hello Evan,

As per your request, I have prepared a list of best practices for composing an email to a professor. Upon reviewing the email you sent to Professor Lambert, I would like to offer some suggestions on creating a more effective and professional email:

  • Using an institution or business e-mail address rather than a personal one will prevent e-mails from being filtered as spam
  • Using formal titles such as “Professor” or “Dr.” will establish a professional and respectful tone
  • Including a professional greeting will convey respect and increase the chance of receiving a positive response
  • Avoiding the use of imperative verbs will decrease the chance of receiving a negative response
  • Organizing an e-mail into a clear introduction, body, and conclusion format will increase its readability
  • Justifying requests with practical reasons instead of focusing on personal preferences will increase the likelihood of a positive response and minimize the chance of offending the reader
  • Writing in complete sentences, avoiding abbreviations and slang, and eliminating typos and grammar mistakes will help maintain professionalism and readability
  • Including an appropriate subject line with the course name and number will allow the professor to quickly understand the context of the e-mail
  • Ending the e-mail with a conclusion, expressing gratitude for the recipient’s time, and adding a formal closing line will create a polite and appreciative tone

Following these tips can enhance professional communication and improve chances of receiving a positive response. If you have any questions, please contact me at angiezhou6@hotmail.com.

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