3.1 – Memorandum to Evan Crisp (Revised on Apr 17)


To: Evan Crisp, UBC Undergraduate Student
From: Jade Duan, ENGL301 Student
Date: March 22, 2023
Subject: Best Practices for Effective Emails to Professors


Thank you for reaching out to ENGL301 students for advice on crafting an effective request email to Professor Lambert. In order to increase the chances of a positive response, it is essential to follow best practices and show consideration for the professor’s valuable time. With this in mind, we have compiled the following list of recommendations.

List of Suggestions

To create an email that centers on Professor Lambert and demonstrates respect for their needs, the following techniques are recommended:

  • Starting with a clear and informative subject line can promptly convey the purpose of the email. As professors often receive numerous emails, it is essential to make the email stand out and catch their attention.
  • Addressing the professor using their proper title and last name demonstrates respect and professionalism.
  • A brief personal introduction and an explanation for the reason of writing shows formality and courtesy, and thus encourages the professor to continue reading.
  • Expressing interest in the course and explaining the benefits of the course would convince the professor of the necessity of the request.
  • Employing a polite, flexible, and accommodating attitude shows that the writer is willing to work together to find a mutually acceptable solution.
  • Focusing on the professor’s perspective and how your request might benefit them will make the request more appealing.
  • Acknowledging the challenges that the professor may face shows an understanding of their situation. This will manifest appreciation for their hard work and dedication to teaching.
  • Framing the email in terms of the group or community to which the professor belongs can raise a sense of shared honourable responsibility.
  • Providing a clear timeline for a response can help the professor manage expectations, thus further emphasizing awareness of their needs.
  • Proofreading the email carefully to ensure that it is free of errors serves to reduce confusion and increase reading efficiency.


In summary, mastering the skill of composing request emails to professors requires both practice and patience. However, it will be a worthy investment in the long run. By employing a reader-centered perspective, the message will be more likely to receiving a positive response. We hope these suggestions will be helpful in crafting an effective email. Please do not hesitate to reach out through jduan06@students.cs.ubc.ca for further questions. Best of luck with the course registration.

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