Memorandum: Writing Effective E-mail Messages to Professors

To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student, <>

From: Tanya Mozafari, English 301 Student, <>

Subject: Writing Effective E-mail Messages to Professors


Here is the memorandum on best practices in writing an e-mail to a professor seeking to be added to a full course. These principles result in more professional email.

Tips for writing an e-mail to a professor

Successful writers follow these guidelines:

  • Using an email address that is professional.
  • Including a subject line that briefly indicates the purpose of the e-mail message.
  • Beginning the e-mail message with a formal salutation followed by the professor’s title and last name.
  • Keeping to the point and avoiding conversational text that waste the professor’s time.
  • Respecting the professor’s expertise by expressing reasons for interest in their course.
  • Creating a positive tone by expressing appreciation, not annoyance.
  • Eliminating typos and abbreviations that label us as lazy and careless.
  • Ending the message with a formal signature block that thanks the professor and includes the student’s full name and student number.


E-mail is a very helpful tool for communicating with course instructors. Following these tips can aid us in creating a schedule that meets our needs as students. If you have any questions, please email me at

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