Assignment 3.2 – Formal Report Draft

To: Carman Chu, ENGL 301 Student <>
From: Cheka Duheme, ENGL 301 Student <>
Date: March 30, 2023
Subject: Submission of Formal Proposal Draft

Dear Carman,

As requested in Unit 3, Lesson 2, I have written a draft of my formal report on “How to Better Support Note-Takers to Improve Learning Experience for Students at UBC”. My draft has been attached below as a word document. The following has been included in the word document:

  • Title Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction (Context, Purpose, Scope)
  • Analysis of Data (Process, Results, Analysis)
  • Illustrations of Data (Pie Charts)
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations
  • Citations
  • Appendices

Thank-you for taking the time to review my formal report draft. I look forward to your feedback. If you have any further questions, please email me at

Enclosed: ENGL301_ChekaDuheme_FormalReportDraft

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