3:3 Peer Review for Yiyu’s Formal Report Draft – Miranda Tang

To: Yiyu Li, Segfault Team member

From: Miranda Tang, Segfault Team member

Date: April 3, 2023

Subject: Peer Review of Yiyu’s Formal Report Draft — Granting Chinese Nurses the Right to Medical Prescription: A Formal Report


First Impressions:

You have written a very insightful and noteworthy report emphasizing the need to expand the nurse’s role in China by giving them the power to write prescriptions. This will ultimately improve workflow, lessen the burden of a medical staff shortage, and improve patient experiences in the hospital. Your analysis of previous practices in other nations is useful as a model for potential reform, and the survey demonstrates the nurses’ desire to take on greater responsibility for prescribing.


  • In general, the report is logically organized, discussing issues and potential solutions in a logical order. The report concludes, based on a survey distributed to registered nurses, that registered nurses in China strongly support the ability to prescribe medication and highlights the potential benefits of giving nurses more responsibility within the healthcare system. The report backs up its assertion by looking at other nations’ effective nurse prescribing models, which may offer helpful guidance for the Chinese healthcare system.
  • It is not entirely clear how the current problem relates to the need to expand the role of nurses. Please consider elaborating on how granting a nurse the ability to prescribe will help China’s nursing shortage.
  • Both the second and third parts of the literature review discuss the current nurse prescribing practices in other nations, which amounts to a lot of repetition. One suggestion is to combine two sections into one and add a new section that discusses the viability of this issue in light of research conducted in China.


  • The draft is effectively organized, with headings and subheadings that make the content clear.
  • The reasoning behind the writing’s flow is evident and simple to comprehend. The claim is well supported and is strengthened by nurse practitioners’ desire for the ability to prescribe medications and then by the successful examples in other nations.
  • Please consider including a paragraph between the first and second sections of the literature review discussing how the education already received by Chinese nursing students prepares them for prescription qualifications. This will improve the connection between the two sections.
  • The first paragraph of the introduction contains two identical text chunks. Please reread and edit the introduction section.


  • The report’s tone is appropriate, impartial, and upbeat throughout.
  • The report is well suited for the target audience, but it might be even better if it included more references whenever a specific number was mentioned (for example, the nursing shortage mentioned in the second paragraph of the introduction).
  • There are numerous misuses of punctuation in the data analysis section, for example, “When asked about their confidence in their ability to safely and effectively prescribe medications. The majority of participants…” in which a comma should replace the period.


  • The graphics are well-designed, correctly labelled, and effectively integrated into the report’s printed content.
  • Multiple paragraphs lack line breaks, making the text difficult to read. Please revise the format so that it is consistent.

Concluding Comments:

Overall, this report is concise, clear, and well-organized. With the following edits, this will be a great read for healthcare policymakers:

  • Explaining how allowing nurses to prescribe will alleviate China’s nursing shortage
  • Analyzing the viability of nurse prescribing in light of Chinese research
  • discussing the viability of nurse prescribing in light of research conducted in China
  • Including a paragraph between the first and second sections of the literature review discussing how Chinese nursing students’ prior education prepares them for prescription qualifications
  • Including additional references whenever a number is mentioned
  • Reviewing and correcting the format and punctuation

Link: Formal Report Draft – Yiyu Li

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