3:3 Peer Review of Miranda’s Formal Report Draft – Yiyu Li

To: Miranda Tang, Segfault Team member

From: Yiyu Li, Segfault Team member

Date: April 3, 2023

Subject: Peer Review of Miranda’’s Formal Report Draft — Renovating Listening Training Approaches in Chinese Language Courses at UBC: A Formal Report

First Impressions: The report is well-written and informative with clear and concise language. Your use of language is appropriate for an academic report, and the report is easy to read and understand. The report analyzes the issue of listening training technique of Chinese language courses provided by UBC by starting from investigating the current approaches used by UBC then exploring the best listening approaches and giving suggestions for optimizing listening training methods.


  • In general sense, the report provides a comprehensive overview of the deficiencies in the current educational approaches used in the Chinese language program at UBC, with a focus on the lack of effective training in listening skills for non-heritage language courses. You provide a detailed analysis of the data collected through an online survey, which highlights potential flaws in the current classroom instructional strategies. The five fields of inquiry addressed in the report are well-defined and you provide a clear purpose for the report.
  • Only three questions are analyzed in the primary source of the data part. It could be better if readers know more voices from students and you can give more accurate and targeted suggestion for 


  • The report is well-organized and follows a logical structure, with clear headings and subheadings. You introduce the topic of the Chinese language course in UBC and then listening skills’ teaching plus the purpose of the report in the introduction and provide a clear summary of the findings in the conclusion. The report is easy to navigate, with clear links between the different sections.
  • I would suggest that for each of the literature review parts, shorten the problem part and increase the solution part so that the report is more focused on giving suggestions for listening teaching skills.
  • In literature review and proposed solution parts, it could be more clear if you give a conclusion sentence at the start of each paragraph.


  • You use an appropriate writing style for an academic report, with clear and concise language. The report is well-researched, with references to relevant literature, and you provide a detailed analysis of the data collected through the online survey. 
  • In the second paragraph of introduction, it could be better if you first present the findings objectively without bias or personal opinion and then state that there exist deficiencies in the present educational approaches.


  • The report is well-designed, with clear headings and subheadings, and a clear layout. The use of tables and figures is appropriate and enhances the readability of the report. 
  • While the overall presentation is visually appealing, there are a few areas where the design could be improved for better readability. For example, the font size could be increased slightly to make the text easier to read.


Overall, the report provides a good overview of the topic, but it could benefit from additional research and analysis to provide a more comprehensive view. The writing style and organization could also be improved in some areas.

  • Increasing the analysis method of raw data to expose the problems behind the raw data more clearly.
  • Modifying the proportion of different content in the literature review section.
  • Adding conclusion sentences for each paragraph in the literature review part.
  • Increasing font size slightly.


Link: Miranda’s Formal Report

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